
Team Construction
Broj aktivnih oglasa: 0/1
Kreirana: 25.07.2023.
Puni naziv: Team Construction d.o.o.
Adresa: Skenderija 44
Poštanski broj: 71000
Država: BA
JIB/PDV: 4202757820001 / -

Opis poslodavca

Team Construction is a Canadian recruitment firm devoted to the Construction industry. Our operations are focused on the metropolitan areas of Montreal, Quebec City, Ottawa, and Toronto. We specialize in recruiting proven Construction professionals for General Contractors in the Building (Industrial, Commercial, Institutional) and Civil Engineering sectors.
Oglasi ovog poslodavca (1)
InterSoft d.o.o. Sarajevo, Zmaja od Bosne 7, 71000 Sarajevo, BiH
ID broj: 4201139870000, PDV broj: 201139870000