
Capital Holding
Broj aktivnih oglasa: 0/1
Kreirana: 05.07.2024.
Puni naziv: CAPITAL HOLDING d.o.o. Sarajevo
Adresa: Džemala Bijedića BB, PC Capital Tower
Poštanski broj: 71000
Država: BA
JIB/PDV: 4202258400000 / 202258400000

Opis poslodavca

We are dedicated to ensure safe business environment in the Centre with high tech equipment and safe environment as well as the other facilities according to the high standards in order to provide the highest possible work conditions to our clients.
Oglasi ovog poslodavca (1)
InterSoft d.o.o. Sarajevo, Zmaja od Bosne 7, 71000 Sarajevo, BiH
ID broj: 4201139870000, PDV broj: 201139870000