
Personify Health
Broj aktivnih oglasa: 3/10
Kreirana: 19.01.2024.
Puni naziv: Virgin Pulse
Adresa: Fra Grge Martića do broja 42
Poštanski broj: 71000
Država: BA
JIB/PDV: 4210312240008 / 210312240008

Opis poslodavca

Personify Health is a global health and well-being company that provides comprehensive well-being solutions to employers, organizations, and individuals. The company focuses on promoting employee engagement, health, and overall well-being to help organizations improve productivity, reduce healthcare costs, and create a healthier, more motivated workforce.
InterSoft d.o.o. Sarajevo, Zmaja od Bosne 7, 71000 Sarajevo, BiH
ID broj: 4201139870000, PDV broj: 201139870000